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Our company believes in using resources responsibly and minimising our impact on the environment.

As a DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 certified organisation, the principles of this environmental standard are embedded in all our activities and corporate strategies.

Environmental management means acting in accordance with environmental standards, using resources responsibly, and systematically reducing emissions and waste. It encompasses the entire life cycle of our products, starting with development and including production, storage, transport, distribution and disposal. 


Measures and targets

Our management team and employees develop targets and measures for turning environmental protection into reality. 

We offer advice to our partners and suppliers to encourage them to follow our guidelines. Suppliers and service providers who work with us and are integrated in our processes may cause accidents, damage to property, or environmental damage if they fail to observe the proper procedures. For this reason, we expect them to comply with all health and safety, fire and environmental regulations by adhering to our guidelines.

As a corporate member of society, WEG actively seeks to engage in dialogue with the public and constructively cooperate with all social groups. 

We act with foresight in that we deploy the best available technologies with due consideration of what is economically feasible. Our aim is to constantly improve the standard of environmental protection within our organisation. To do this we not only comply with existing regulations, we also anticipate future requirements.